IPL Pigmentation Treatment

IPL pigmentation correction effectively fades and removes age spots, sun spots and discolouration to greatly improve overall skin tone, texture and radiance.

What is IPL Pigmentation Treatment

IPL Pigmentation treatment is a non-ablative procedure that uses intense pulsed light to target melanin in the skin, heating and shattering the brown pigment. Damaged melanin is then removed either via the lympahtic system or micro-crusts on teh surface of the skin and naturally sloughs off, resulting in a more even skin tone. Typically, this treatment is used to spot treat areas of pigmentation.


  • Solar lentigines (sun spots, age spots)

  • Freckles

How many treatments will I need?

This will all depend on your individual situation, and we will carefully assess this for you during your consultation. Some clients may only need 4 treatments, while other may require 6 or 8 to achieve brilliant results.

What does the treatment feel like?

RF is a painless treatment and most clients will experience zero discomfort. Some find the warm sensation relaxing.

Can I get on with my day after treatment?

You sure can! Some clients may experience redness immediately post treatment, but this typically subsides not long after treatment.  As there is no downtime, you can get on with your day as usual.
